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  1. 1193

    Lash Bomb Serum 1

    Lash Bomb Serum 1 10 vrećica po 1,5 ml Vrećicu prije upotrebe potrebno je "izmasirati" Sastav: Cocoa Butter , Biotin, Hydrolised Silk and Vitamin B3. Made in the UK Vrijeme izrade: Vrlo tanke, nježne trepavice 4-5 minutes Nježnel pofarbane trepavice 5-6 minutes Prirodno zdrave trepavice 6-8 minutes Debele jake trepavice 8-10 minutes
    28,20 €
  2. 5034

    Bomb Cream 100ml

    Bomb Cream 100ml Aktivator za boju
    14,36 €
  3. 1211

    Ljepilo za podizanje trepavica 5ml

    Ljepilo za podizanje trepavica 5ml Za ljepljenje trepavica na silikonski podložak
    28,20 €
  4. 1194

    Lash Bomb Serum 2

    Lash Bomb Serum 2 10 vrećica po 1,5 ml Punjeno sa: Cocoa Butter, Hyaluronic Acid, Glass Microbeads, Panthenol and Liquorice and Horsetail Extracts. Made in the UK Vrijeme uvijanja: Vrlo tanke, tanke i pofarbane trepavice 5 minuta Prirodno zdrave i jake trepavice 6 minutes Made in the UK
    28,20 €
  5. 2019

    Boja za trepavice, crna 20ml

    Boja za trepavice, crna 20ml Mješati s 3% Bomb Cream
    14,36 €
  6. 1195

    Lash Bomb Serum 3

    Punjeno sa: Panthenol, Hyaluronic Acid, Marshmallow Extract , Aloe Vera , Hydrolysed Silk, Rosemary, Camomile, Anica Montana and Apricot Extracts. Made in the UK 10 vrećica x 1.5ml
    28,20 €
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